Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We are now Grossverdiener!

This is a very poor SKF#2 transalation ... but you non-germans will get the idea !!
Hab me so long not reported here on this fantastic blog! And pictures are also no real uebel. But that comes at our next free day, PROMISED! Inka and I have now does work. Jaha. Are professional "Apple Thinner! The situation does ausgeduennt are Aepfel so that the tree is not ueberlastet is, the branches breaking, or the Aepfel not big enough. For this extremely lucrative work (about 2-3 euros an hour ...) we are at 4.30. Super, or? But is not so bad, after almost 14 hours, we will also come back again on our parking lot. "At home" quasi. Na, but not want to do anything bad. The people are great, for example. The praise us quite a doll, for what it has done, and then comes the Obermacker and you can do everything again. : OD Nah, it is really net sooooo bad. If so much fun and because we are paid for performance, we continue to look for one or the other break out. Must also be get uebelste midday heat, around 25 degrees, and the UV is a lot higher. But we already have dafuer beautiful complexion (Can also be dirt ...) and it is from day to day better! : O) Everywhere is now even Christmas decorations and chocolate (even have proper real Pfeffernuesse seen!), But is not at the temperatures ... So, tomorrow we must also think about getting out earlier, so first Bye Bye! : O)

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