Saturday, February 2, 2008


Well we have headed back upto the top of the South Island again to Havelock ... one of the gateways to the wonderful Marlborough Sounds

Enjoy your experience, exploring information on businesses, local attractions and community activities in the Havelock area. The green shellmussel capital of the world and gateway to the Marlborough Soundsat the top of the South Island, New Zealand.Discover the Pelorus and Kenepuru Sounds. Havelock is a great tourist destination with tours, cruises, boat charters, fishing trips, walking tracksand sea kayaking.

Havelock is the gateway to the Pelorus and Kenepuru Sounds.Discover the Marlborough Sounds at the top of the South Island. An extraordinary place of a labyrinth of bays, coves and inlets. There is about a fifth of New Zealand's coastline in this unique area.Much of the Pelorus and Kenepuru area is accessible by road, but to truly explore this treasured destination, stroll down to the Havelock marina where waterfront taxis and charter vessels are moored. Experience the Sounds by boat, sea kayak or on walking tracks with very good shelter in most weather conditions and all year round. The crystal clear waterways of the Pelorus and Kenepuru Sounds are famous for fishing, great diving, boating, kayaking, swimming and water-skiing.Enjoy the natural beauty of native bush and crystal clear waters.A great place to experience New Zealand wildlife; gannets, shags, blue penguins, tui's, wood pigeons, weka's and dolphins are often seen.
There are studios and gardens open to the public to visit and numerous lodges, B&B’s and home stay establishments. Discover campsites, holiday parks, fishing lodges and backpackers tucked in fern-fringed coves.

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