Monday, March 31, 2008

The Kiel Blue Line

... as far as the turbo explosion ... SCHROTT

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Forgotten World Highway

Well Inka, Jojo and a sick Hugo are somewhere on this road ... Hugo has had enough and blown the turbo unit ... but the Inka Jojo team are OK and have found a helpful farmer and are arranging a replacement turbo unit. Another experience in life's unpredictable journey !!!

... will keep you posted as reports come through. They are in a part of the country that has poor cellphone coverage ... message pigeons only!!!


1. Introductory Sign
and Whakaahurangi Maori Trail The large sign gives travellers full information and a map illustrating all site locations along the entire Trail.
2. Douglas Village Like most small Taranaki settlements Douglas Village has declined with the closure of its dairy factory and store.
3. Douglas Brick Kiln This building, classified by the Historic Places Trust, is situated 200 metres along the side road and a short distance along a farm driveway.
4. Strathmore Saddle This point on clear days gives a great vantage of the four North Island mountains. The saddle also lies close to a fault line and in the surrounding hills there is still some evidence of the ‘shell rock’ containing fossils of marine life deposited when the land was the ocean floor millions of years ago.
5. Aotuhia (Bridge to Somewhere) An optional side-trip on an interesting and scenic backcountry route to this once abandoned valley (allow at least two hours for the return trip). A feature is the ‘Bridge to Somewhere’ built in 1937 of similar design to the Mangapurua Valley ‘Bridge to Nowhere’.
6. Te Wera The railway east joins the highway again near this point. The site sign is close to a spectacular large rhododendron, the Te Wera Forest and Recreational Camp and old saleyards site. Unique arboretum with named trees and short walk available.
7. Pohokura Saddle Named after a Maori Chief, Pohokura was first settled in the late 1880’s. In these early days the road over the saddle was so bad that it took three days to pack supplies from Stratford. Now sealed, the saddle provides a view of the valley once home to the railway workers building the Pohokura tunnel.
8. Whangamomona Saddle The saddle provides a spectacular view of the boundary of the Patea and Wanganui River watersheds with beech and podacarp forest flanking the highway. Start of a three hour circular forest walk, or a 100m walk into the beech trees.
9. Whangamomona Village The ‘Valley of Plenty’ was first settled in 1895 and by 1898 there were 187 people in the district. During the early 1900’s the settlement flourished but the great flood of 1924 started the settlement’s decline and now it is almost a ghost town. Republic Day celebrations are held every 2nd year, the closest Saturday to the beginning of January 2007.
10. Tahora Saddle
Another spectacular vantage point for the central North Island mountains and surrounding valleys. Two Maori Pa sites are visible on prominent hilltops to the west and east. The saddle also overlooks two railway tunnels.
11. Tangarakau derives its name from the ‘felled trees’ cut down by the legendary Tamatea to repair his canoes on the Whanganui River. First settled in the 1900’s the village boomed in 1925 when it became home to 1200 people, the families of workers on the nearby railway.

12. Moki Tunnel A 180m road tunnel built in 1936. The floor was lowered in 1985 to allow triple-decked stock trucks to pass through. A short walking track along old saddle road (western portal) leads visitors into bush with abundant bird life.
13. Moki Forest Another detour off the highway (8km-15 minutes) to mature forest with outstanding regeneration of native species. Home of the endangered kokako bird.
14. Mt Damper Falls (85m) A further 8km past the Moki Forest sign through high semi-plateau farmland is the site sign for Mount Damper Falls. A walk of 20 minutes will bring visitors to a platform to view one of the highest falls in the North Island. Allow at least 2 hours for the detour to sites 13 and 14. Toilet available near site sign 14.
15. Morgan’s Grave Last resting place of Joshua Morgan, leader of a surveying party and his grave is considered a memorial to the men who had to find a way through this difficult country.
16. Tangarakau Gorge Carved by the river into sedimentary sandstones and clad in luxuriant native bush the Tangarakau Gorge is the next site on the trail. Large coal deposits originally formed in ancient peat swamps in a low lying prehistoric landscape and were mined in several locations in the Gorge and small pockets of coal can be found adjacent to the Gorge site sign
17. Tatu Coal Mine Village Four houses, a school and a hall were located near here for the workers of the now abandoned Tatu Coal Mine. A larger settlement called Puketihi with about 30 houses, a post office, store, two teacher school and reticulated water supply is located 4km up Waro Road.
18. Tatu Coal Mine The mine entrance is situated 6.5km up Waro Road which is unsuitable for vehicles, but does provide a pleasant walk.
19. Ohura Ohura township is 10km off the main trail. The township has declined since the closure of the coal mines.
20. Nevins Lookout Panoramic views of the King Country and the Central North Island mountains can be gained from the hill. Please ensure that the gate is shut behind you when entering or leaving.
21. Maraekowhai Reserve A site of considerable historic significance as it was a stronghold for rebellious Hauhau Warriors, part of an initially peaceful religious movement in Taranaki which became disenchanted with the style of European land acquisition. A war pole "rongo niu" was built in 1864 with four arms which it was believed radiated out in all directions calling warriors to the "cause". They danced around the pole to incantations which they believed would make them invincible to musket fire. A peace pole "rere kore" was built at the end of hostilities and both poles are now preserved on the site.
22. Papa Drive A fine example of many such drives, were built in the early 1900’s for road culverts. Most have now been replaced but some like this one continue to give good service.
23. Aorangi Flour Mill Although the original mill building has long since disappeared the trenches used to carry water from the Opetea Stream to the mill wheel can still be seen. The site sign is located on River Road opposite Koino Road junction.
24. Aukopae Tunnel The present road cutting was constructed in 1968. Walking access can be gained to the tunnel by following the line of the original road, allow 45 minutes for the return trip.
25. Aukopae River Boat Landing Landing place of the river boats which at the turn of the century transported settlers, livestock, provisions, mail and tourists from Wanganui to Taumaranui. The site sign is located 500m off the trail on Saddlers Road.
26. Nukunuku Museum Follow the sign from Aukopae Landing to Nukunuku Museum. The museum owned by Mr (Jock) Erceg is an interesting collection of memorabilia of the days of the Maori, river boats and early settlement.
27. Otunui River Boat Landing The Otunui Landing is a reminder of the time when the Whanganui River provided the main access to the King Country. Now scarcely distinguishable from any other section of the river bank, the landing is a popular picnic spot. Access can be gained by crossing the road bridge and then walking through the paddock on the opposite side of the stream. The site sign is situated in the picnic area at the junction of the River Road and Otunui South Road.
28. Te Maire Reserve Situated 0.5km from the River Road, access to the reserve is gained by driving over Te Maire Bridge. The reserve is a fine example of podacarp forest with well defined walks of up to 3 hours duration, with good views from the lookout and tree identification signs.
29. Herlihy’s Bluff The Bluff consists of alternating layers of coarse sandstone and fine mudstone laid down to a total thickness of 1.3km when the region was beneath the sea 15-25 million years ago. Very unstable, the bluffs have provided a headache for the road builder. The site sign is situated at the rest area.

The Forgotten World Highway, one of New Zealand's most secluded roads, explores the ever-changing landscape between Taumarunui and Stratford.
New Zealand's first heritage trail, this scenic route winds over four mountain saddles, alongside the spectacular Tangarakau Gorge and passes through the 180-metre-long, single lane, Moki tunnel.
Stop, stretch your legs and explore historic sites and scenic walks along the way. View stunning vistas of Mt Taranaki's zen-like cone to the west; and Mt Ruapehu, Mt Ngauruhoe and Mt Tongariro to the east.
Other highlights include the Mount Damper Falls, several 4WD tracks and the tiny settlement of Whangamomona, a small village declared a 'republic' by residents back in 1988.

This back-country hamlet celebrates its independence every second January when around 6,000 people flock to its village to partake in a bit of sheep racing, gumboot throwing, whip cracking, possum skinning—and the occasional shoot-out.
If you’re keen to drop by on Republic Day, don’t forget to grab your temporary passport from the local hotel to ensure safe passage through the area.
The Forgotten World Highway is a legendary one-day road trip—in more ways that one—but be sure to fill up your tank before you begin the journey as the next petrol pump is some 150 kilometres away!

Len Lye

Len Lye, born Leonard Charles Huia Lye (5 July 1901, Christchurch, New Zealand - 15 May 1980, Warwick, New York), was a New Zealand-born artist known primarily for his experimental films and kinetic sculpture. His films are held in archives such as the New Zealand Film Archive, British Film Institute, Museum of Modern Art in New York City, and the Pacific Film Archive at University of California, Berkeley.

Lye's sculptures are found in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Albright-Knox Art Gallery and the Berkeley Art Museum. Although he became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1950, much of his work went to New Zealand after his death, where it is housed at the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery in New Plymouth.

Have a look at some Len Lye short films at Google Video

Friday, March 28, 2008

Good Bye HUGO

... and off HUGO went ... disappearing in a cloud of smoke ...

The Kiel Blue Line

Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Plymouth

Jojo and Inka are in New Plymouth ... the bump on the left hand side half way up the North Island

Tim & El Rancho

Tim works and lives at El Rancho in Waikanae.The camp is situated on the Waikanae River, close to the beach and just 60 kms north of Wellington , El Rancho (Waikanae Christian Holiday Park) is set amongst 70 acres of park land. You'll feel yourself relax as you come down our drive.

"Enjoy all the holiday park has to offer – from quiet, secluded retreat venues to exciting, challenging programmes for the whole family. Choose from our different accommodation options to suit you, whatever your budget.". Take a leisurely stroll down the riverside to Waikanae Beach - sheltered by Kapiti Island to the west and the Tararua Ranges to the east – the swimming is superb at one of the best sandy beaches on the coast. We love providing camps, holiday programmes and conference facilities to serve churches, schools, groups and families from all over New Zealand .

Guests return year after year to the premier holiday park on the Kapiti Coast. Enquire now and let your holiday begin…

For Tim's New Zealand photos go to hisphotosite


Inka & Jojo call into Wakanae to meet up with Tim Hoff ... have a few beers ... forgot where they were going and ended up staying the night ... left the next day headed for Wanganui .. and are now in New Plymouth ... the bump on the left hand side half way up the North Island

Waikanae (pronounced Why-kah-nye) is a small town on New Zealand's Kapiti Coast. The name is a Māori word meaning "The waters of the yellow eyed mullet". Another settlement called Waikanae Beach exists near Gisborne on the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand.
The town is about 60 kilometres north of Wellington, New Zealand's capital city, and is between the towns of Paraparaumu, eight kilometres to the southwest, and Otaki, 15 kilometres to the northeast.
Waikanae and its neighbouring settlement of Waikanae Beach serve as quiet places for families and older people. Many new cafes have opened up in Waikanae and Waikanae Beach to service both the locals and visitors to the beautiful Kapiti Coast. Just north of Waikanae is the small settlement of Peka Peka.
The town and surrounding area is most noted for its beautiful beach and river mouth, which is opposite the long form of Kapiti Island, which lies four kilometres offshore in the Tasman Sea. The waters between Waikanae Beach and Kapiti Island are a marine reserve, and whales are sometimes spotted on their migration routes through the narrow corridor. The beach itself is composed of black sand, but is still great for water sports and long walks. Inland, behind Waikanae, are the Tararua Ranges and the Akatarawa Valley, home to a popular conservation park, Staglands Wildlife Reserve. A road through the valley provides a link with the Hutt Valley via Reikorangi and Cloustonville

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Don't pull the wool over my eyes

It ain't heavy ...

They wouldn' work !!

timber town chicks fallin' for you !!

The Blue one is mine !!!

Jack Johnson Groupies

Hawaiian musician Jack Johnson has announced a three-date New Zealand tour in March next year - but he's skipping Auckland in favour of smaller venues.

The acoustic artist will be making his first Taranaki appearance on March 23 (Easter Saturday) at the TSB Bowl of Brooklands. He will also play Christchurch and Napier. Venture Taranaki events manager Garry Sharpe-Young says playing a concert is not the only thing Johnson will do while he is here. "We believe he's very keen for a surf before and after the concert," Mr Sharpe-Young says. He says the concert coincides with the annual national Masters surfing champs along Taranaki's coast.

"It's likely Jack could catch some of the action and go for a few surfs of his own. Imagine paddling into a wave with Jack Johnson next to you." The 32-year-old singer/songwriter performed three years ago in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. This tour he returns to Christchurch while making first-time visits to Napier and New Plymouth.

Big Bird

The albatross colony ... Otago Peninsula .. Dunedin

A bare town

They liked it so much .. that they named the town after it ... YEAH RIGHT

Nudist Sunbathers

Southern Beaches

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The "J" Runners

Jeremy, Josh and Jojo doing some "Chariots of Fire" running on the Wellington Wharves

The Kiel Blueline

Heading back up the North Island ... calling in at Waikanae to see Tim and probably have some Kapiti hokey pokey icecream ... then onto Wanganui

Cruisin' in the Sounds

Images from the ferry trip from Picton to Wellington .. early morning in the Marlborough Sounds

Preparing to say Goodbye